Curated by EGI's hosting experts to help your business grow better. Discover time-tested (not to mention, compiled by experts with over two decades of technical experience) guides, actionable industry insights, and disruptive industry-defining trends.

How to prevent DDoS Attacks - 6 Ways to Make Your Server Secure

April 30th, 2021

Would you believe it if we told that the first-ever DDoS attack was due to the curiosity of a 13-year-old boy from Illinois? In 1974, he forced 31 computer terminals from the University of Illinois to shut down

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5 Benefits of Silicon Valley Hosting to Propel Your Business Growth

March 25th, 2021

With the advent of Apple, Google, eBay, HP, Intel, and other technology giants in the Silicon Valley, it has become the most sought-after tech hub not just in the US, but globally too

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